The sandblasted texture introduces movement and shading on terracotta that not only come from the three-dimensional nature of the sand, but also from its granules. The base color of the terracotta element and that of the sand are combined, enhancing or deliberately contrasting each other. A dark sand, for example, applied to a brown element can accentuate its darkness and enhance it; a light base element, on the other hand, can produce a vivid contrast aimed at enhancing the brightness, depending on the quantities used. A colored sand can make the base tone veer and iridescent, creating amazing and new effects.

Varianti Texture

Coarse gray sandblasting

Coarse gray sandblasting

Colored sandblasting

Colored sandblasting

Fine gray sandblasting

Fine gray sandblasting

Sahara sandblasting

Sahara sandblasting

Vecchia Torino

Vecchia Torino

Varianti Colore

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