
The cladding in strips or terracotta tiles has the same indisputable advantages of masonry in terms of aesthetic-architectural effect, winter and summer thermal performance, acoustics, durability, costs and maintenance frequency close to zero, mechanical resistance. and fire fighting. It also has the additional requirement of reduced thickness and greater lightness, it is even more easily combined with differentiated and modern poses (eg: sister / parallel joints), with different formats (square, rectangular) and opens up to many technological opportunities. In fact, it can be used indoors and outdoors, applied on

  • insulators (coats) instead of simple and less durable plaster,
  • metal substructures (dry terracotta cladding, ventilated façades),
  • other resistant building materials, such as modular support panels (which – if prefabricated – will also speed up the installation).

Also in this area, as in that of the walls, a variegated range of textures, color pastes, glossy or opaque coating unfolds. Indoor and outdoor terracotta floors range over:

  • flat tiles such as tiles,
  • tiles and bricks filled with flat or cut,
  • bastonetti

and they can play with paste colors and various treatments (such as antique finishing), generating continuous or deliberately discontinuous geometries.



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